Here is some of what we’ve been able to collect, and above all what Ulrike and Andreas Morell, and especially the widow, have been able to come across and graciously pass on to us. Our gratitude is in order, naturally.

Escrits abstrusos

Escrits abstrusos
a cops de cadira


Traient seny pels queixals del foc - and III -

Traient seny pels queixals del foc (pages 67-98)

(Jettisoning Sense through the enkindled Molars) (Third and last batch.)


Traient seny pels queixals del foc - II -

Traient seny pels queixals del foc (pages 34-66)

(Jettisoning Sense through the enkindled Molars)

Estripant el llibre oblic

Estripant el llibre oblic
massa malsdecap



The other half of the Reigian Studies

background with snakes as yet unheard; more: unherded.

Reig, Reig against the dying of the light

more Reigian texts

llibre rebel

llibre rebel


(Only Carles Reig’s writings will be included here. All carry his copyright.)

cops d'ull

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